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Green Wrythe Primary School

Report and Absence/Attendance

It is important to make sure your child gets to school on time. Children who are late miss valuable learning time and often make a poor start to the day, which can have an adverse effect on their learning.

Arrival at school

ARK - Children coming to school should use the main school entrance. The gates open at 8.40am and close at 8.50.

RAINBOW - Children should use the Rainbow entrance. Gates open at 9:00am and close at 9:10am for Rainbow children.

Children arriving after this time must enter through the main school office where their lateness will be recorded and enquiries made.

Please show consideration to local residents when parking near the school and park responsibly and with due regard for local traffic.

Absence due to illness

If your child is absent from school because of illness, you need to inform us as soon as possible on the first morning of absence via a telephone call or email. If your child is then away from school for more days, please keep us informed.  

Telephone: 020 8648 4989 or email:

Leave of absence requests

Good attendance throughout the year is in the best interest of your child’s education. The Governing Body has instructed that authorisation for absences will not be given for outings, family holidays, shopping trips or family visits. 

Green Wrythe School has a policy, reflecting national policy, which states holiday leave during term time should only be granted in exceptional circumstances. You will be liable for a fine if you take your child/children out of school during term time. If you do require leave for exceptional circumstances, this should be put in writing and emailed for the attention of the Head Teacher, Mrs Jones, to

Medical conditions and accidents

If your child has a medical condition or needs to take medication during the school day, please speak to the school office so that we can manage your child’s condition at school.