I am so proud to be the Headteacher of such a happy and vibrant school.
Green Wrythe Primary School believes in family and our school values drive the culture of our community: aspirational, caring, respectful, resilient, caring and reflective.
As a school, we are always ready to learn and strive to work with members of our family so that we can be ‘the best that we can be'.
Our school is divided into two departments:
Two unique parts, which together make our fabulous and wonderful school.
We pride ourselves on our values and believe that everyone can make a difference in our world.
Mrs A De Sampayo, Headteacher
We are excited to be offering a new free preschool singing session with Mrs Hardie. Come and join in with your pre school little ones. The first session takes place this Friday - 17th January at 1:45pm
Our newsletter from last term with Mrs Jones' final roundup is now available on the school website. https://www.greenwrythe.org.uk/page/?title=Newsletters&pid=54
School Dinner Reminder Please book your child's lunch choice through the MCAS app. Click the link to see the lunch time menu's. https://greenwps.ovw8.devwebsite.co.uk/page/?title=Catering+%28School+Dinners%29&pid=34
We hope you all had a restful Christmas break. We can't wait to see you all on Monday. #springterm2025
We are excited to be offering a new free preschool singing session with Mrs Hardie. Come and join in with your pre school little ones. The first session takes place this Friday - 17th January at 1:45pm
Our newsletter from last term with Mrs Jones' final roundup is now available on the school website. https://www.greenwrythe.org.uk/page/?title=Newsletters&pid=54
School Dinner Reminder Please book your child's lunch choice through the MCAS app. Click the link to see the lunch time menu's. https://greenwps.ovw8.devwebsite.co.uk/page/?title=Catering+%28School+Dinners%29&pid=34
We hope you all had a restful Christmas break. We can't wait to see you all on Monday. #springterm2025
Green Wrythe Primary School, Green Wrythe Lane, Carshalton, SM5 1JP